The MotorSport New Zealand Volunteers Register has been developed to help build a complete database of all motorsport volunteers in New Zealand. You may volunteer for ClubSport, regional, national or international events - you're all important to us.

By completing this form we will be able to communicate with you efficiently, seek your feedback on important issues facing volunteers at all levels in our sport, and know more about the training you have already received and would benefit from receiving in the future.

Please be assured your details are confidential, the database is secure and the number of people with access limited.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email and one of us will be back in touch as soon as we can.

* indicates required
A personal email address that you access on a regular basis and is unlikely to change is preferred to a work email that may change.
Your preferred first name
We may need to mail you information, tickets and merchandise.
This is helpful for us to get a full picture of who our volunteers are and whose doing what role.
Your date of birth is needed to link with MSNZ systems.
Numerals only
Do you belong to a MSNZ-affliated car club?
If you are on the Motorsport Specialists Register, what is your number?
If you are a licenced MSNZ official, what is your number?
Your next of kin or best person for us to contact in case of an emergency
The best phone number to reach your emergency contact
We ask this so we can send you the right size shirt (as a MSNZ thank you or sponsored prize)
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